Grant Partners

The list below details awards made to community and nonprofit organizations across the Western Slope through our competitive grant application cycles for the current year-to-date, and the previous two years. 

The list is searchable by entering a keyword in the search box, or by sorting any column using the arrows.

4 The Children$10,500La PlataBasic Needs - safety Basic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
4 The Children$10,500La PlataSafetyBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
A KIDZ Clinic$10,000DeltaHealthcare - physical & behavioralSimple Gifts - general operating2024
A Little Help $5,000MesaSocial/Emotional Supports - seniorsSimple Gifts - general operating2023
A Little Help $5,000Mesarespite care/in-home supportsSimple Gifts - general operating2024
A Way Out$21,000Garfieldsubstance abuse intervention/treatmentHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
A Way Out$21,000Garfieldsubstance abuse intervention/treatmentHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Adaptive Sports Association$5,000La PlataAdaptive recreationSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Adaptive Sports Center$5,000GunnisonAdaptive recreationSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Adaptive Training Centers$10,000MesaHealthcare - physical: disability servicesSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Adaptive Training Centers$10,000MesaHealthcare - physical: disability servicesSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Advocate Safehouse Project$19,000GarfieldBasic Needs - safety Simple Gifts - general operating2024
Advocate Safehouse Project (ASP)$20,000GarfieldBasic Needs - SafetySimple Gifts - general operating2023
Advocates of Lake County$21,500LakeSafety - Domestic ViolenceBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Advocates of Lake County$12,000LakeSafety - Domestic ViolenceWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Advocates of Lake County$12,000LakeSafety - Domestic ViolenceWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Advocates of Lake County$21,500LakeSafetyBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
All Points Transit (Montrose County Senior Citizens Transportation, Inc)$28,000MontroseTransportationBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
All Points Transit (Montrose County Senior Citizens Transportation, Inc)$28,000MontroseTransportationBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Andy Zanca Youth Empowerment Program $5,000GarfieldPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Andy Zanca Youth Empowerment Program $5,000GarfieldPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Archuleta Seniors Inc - ASI$11,000ArchuletaFoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Archuleta Seniors Inc - ASI$11,000ArchuletaFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Ascendigo Autism Services$8,000GarfieldHealthcare - physical: disability servicesSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing$5,000PitkinAdaptive recreationSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Aspen Hope Center $38,000Pitkincrisis responseHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Aspen Hope Center (AHC)$38,000Pitkincrisis responseHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Aspen Police Department$5,000PitkinBehavioral healthSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Aspen Youth Center$5,000PitkinPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Aspire Medical Services and Education$10,000ArchuletaHealthcare - physicalSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Aspire Medical Services and Education$10,000ArchuletaHealthcare - physicalSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Axis Health System$15,000La Platamental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Axis Health System$15,000La Platamental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
BAM! Business Art Mentorship Youth Program$5,000MesaPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
BAM! Business Art Mentorship Youth Program$5,000MesaPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Basin Clinic$16,500MontroseHealthcare - physicalHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Basin Clinic$16,500Montrosephysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Better Tomorrow$27,000RouttBasic Needs - SafetyBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Better Tomorrow$27,000RouttSafetyBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Black Canyon Boys & Girls Club$10,000MontrosePositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Black Canyon Boys & Girls Club$5,000MontrosePositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Boys & Girls Club of La Plata County$10,000La PlataPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Boys & Girls Club of La Plata County$8,000La PlataPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Boys to Men$5,000La PlataPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Bridging Bionics Foundation$10,000PitkinHealthcare - physical: disability servicesSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Bridging Bionics Foundation$10,000PitkinHealthcare - physical: disability servicesSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Bright Future Foundation $20,000EagleSafety - Domestic ViolenceWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Bright Future Foundation for Eagle County$27,500EagleSafety - Domestic ViolenceBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Bright Future Foundation for Eagle County$20,000EagleSafety - Domestic ViolenceWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Bright Future Foundation for Eagle County$27,500EagleSafetyBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Bright Futures$5,000San MiguelEarly Childhood DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Bright Futures$5,000San MiguelBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Building Hope$20,000SummitMental Health - Suicide PreventionWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Building Hope$20,000SummitMental Health - Suicide PreventionWorkforce Development - restricted2024
CAFE Food Rescue$5,000SummitBasic Needs - food Simple Gifts - general operating2024
CAFI - Collaborative Action for Immigrants$5,000San MiguelBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Cancer Support Community - SW Colorado$5,000La PlataHealthcare - physicalSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Cancer Support Community - SW Colorado $5,000La PlataHealthcare - physicalSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Carbondale Age-Friendly Community Initiative (CAFCI)$2,000GarfieldSocial/Emotional Supports - seniorsSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Caregiver Connections$5,000Eaglerespite care/in-home supportsSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Caregiver Connections$5,000Eaglerespite care/in-home supportsSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Caring for Colorado Centennial Fund$10,000MesaHealthcare - physicalSimple Gifts - general operating2024
CASA of the Continental Divide$5,000SummitBasic Needs - SafetySimple Gifts - general operating2023
CASA of the Continental Divide $5,000SummitBasic Needs - safety Simple Gifts - general operating2024
CASA of the Seventh Judicial District, Inc$21,500MontroseBasic Needs - multiBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
CASA of the Seventh Judicial District, Inc$21,500MontroseMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Cattlemen's Days - Tough Enough to Wear Pink$5,000GunnisonHealthcare - physicalSimple Gifts - general operating2024
CB State of Mind$15,500Gunnisonsuicide preventionHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
CB State of Mind$15,500Gunnisonsuicide preventionHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Cedaredge Community Gardens Association$2,000DeltaCommunity GardenSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Cedaredge Community Gardens Association$2,000DeltaCommunity GardenSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Cedaredge Food Bank$5,000DeltaBasic Needs - FoodSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Cedaredge Food Bank$5,000DeltaBasic Needs - food Simple Gifts - general operating2024
Center for Children$21,500MesaBasic Needs - SafetyBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Center for Children$21,500MesaSafetyBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Center for Independence$11,500MesaDisability Services Healthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Center for Independence$12,000MesaDisability ServicesWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Center for Independence$10,000MesaDisability Services - Case ManagementWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Center for Independence$11,500Mesaphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
City of Gunnison$10,000GunnisonAdvocacy and LeadershipSimple Gifts - general operating2023
City of Gunnison$10,000Gunnisonlanguage justice/inclusionSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Clifton Christian Church Food Bank$16,500MesaBasic Needs - MultiBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Clifton Christian Church Food Bank$16,500MesaMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Cloud City Conservation Center$26,500LakeBasic Needs - FoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Cloud City Conservation Center$26,500LakeFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Colorado Canyons Association$5,000MesaPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence$30,000La PlataNursing WorkforceWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence$30,000La PlataNursing WorkforceWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Colorado Farm & Food Alliance$10,000Deltacoalition/alliance - foodSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Colorado Farm & Food Alliance$5,000Deltacoalition/alliance - foodSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Colorado Lions KidSight Program$5,000MesaHealthcare - physicalSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Colorado Lions KidSight Program$5,000MesaHealthcare - physicalSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Colorado Mesa University $5,000MesaBehavioral and physical health care workforceWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Colorado River Valley Team $8,000Garfieldlanguage justice/inclusionSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Colorado River Valley Team $5,000Garfieldlanguage justice/inclusionSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Community Budget Center$5,000MoffatBasic Needs - TransportationSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Community Budget Center$5,000MoffatBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Community Connections$13,000La PlataHealthcare - physicalHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Community Connections$13,000La Plataphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Community Food Bank$26,000MesaBasic Needs - MultiBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Community Food Bank$26,000MesaMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Community Health Services$16,500PitkinHealthcare - physicalHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Community Health Services$16,500Pitkinphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Community Options, Inc.$15,000MontroseHealthcare - physicalHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Community Options, Inc.$15,000Montrosephysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Compañeros$21,700La PlataBasic Needs - MultiStrategic Initiative - general operating2023
Compañeros 21,700 La PlataBasic Needs - Multi-needStrategic Initiative - general operating2024
Cook Inclusive$6,000PitkinHealthcare - physical: disability servicesSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Counseling and Education Center$41,500MesaMental health therapyHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Counseling and Education Center$40,000MesaMental health therapyWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Counseling and Education Center$40,000MesaMental health therapyWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Counseling and Education Center$41,500Mesamental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
CROPS (for Ute Mountain Ute Tribe)$32,000MontezumaBasic Needs - FoodStrategic Initiative - general operating2023
CROPS (for Ute Mountain Ute Tribe) 32,000 MontezumaBasic Needs - FoodStrategic Initiative - general operating2024
Delta County Human Services$5,000DeltaBasic Needs - Transportation Simple Gifts - general operating2023
Delta County School District 50J Farm to School Program$5,000DeltaCommunity GardenSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Delta Health$13,000Deltacrisis responseHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Delta Health$13,000Deltacrisis responseHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Disabled American Veterans - DAV 48$8,000La PlataBasic Needs - MultiSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Doors 2 Success$11,000Mesaphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Doors 2 Success$11,000Mesaphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Dream Catcher Therapy Center$15,500Montroseanimal assisted behavioral health therapiesHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Dream Catcher Therapy Center$15,500Montroseanimal assisted behavioral health therapiesHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Eagle County Smiles$10,500Eaglephysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Eagle Valley Community Foundation $33,500EagleBasic Needs - Multi-needStrategic Initiative - general operating2023
Eagle Valley Community Foundation 33,500 EagleBasic Needs - Multi-needStrategic Initiative - general operating2024
Early Childhood Council of La Plata County$5,000La PlataHealthcare - behavioralSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Early Childhood Council of La Plata County$5,000La PlataHealthcare - behavioralSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado & Wyoming$5,000MontrosePhysical healthSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Family and Intercultural Resource Center$33,000SummitBasic Needs - FoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Family and Intercultural Resource Center$33,000SummitFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Family Health West Foundation$5,000MesaPhysical health - disability servicesSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Faultless$5,000MontrosePositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
FocusedKids$5,000GarfieldPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Food System/Food Equity Coalition (Healthy Archuleta)$10,000Archuletacoalition/alliance - foodSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Food System/Food Equity Coalition (Healthy Archuleta)$5,000Archuletacoalition/alliance - foodSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Fort Lewis College Foundation$11,500Montezumamental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Fort Lewis College Foundation$40,000La PlataNursing WorkforceWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Fort Lewis College Foundation$30,000La PlataNursing WorkforceWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Fort Lewis College Foundation$11,500Montezumamental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Foster Alumni Mentors$10,000MesaBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Foster Alumni Mentors $10,000MesaPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Four Corners Child Advocacy Center (NEST) $13,000MontezumaMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Four Corners Child Advocacy Center (NEST) $13,000MontezumaMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Four Corners Rainbow Youth Center$20,000La PlataMental Health/Suicide PreventionWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Four Corners Youth Clinics $27,000La Platamental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Four Corners Youth Clinics $27,000La Platamental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Fresh Food Hub$5,000San MiguelBasic Needs - food Simple Gifts - general operating2024
Garfield County Public Health$13,000Garfieldphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Garfield County Public Health$13,000Garfieldphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Good Samaritan Clinic$7,000MesaHealthcare - physical & behavioralSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Grace's Kitchen at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church$5,000MontezumaBasic Needs - food Simple Gifts - general operating2024
Grand Beginnings$5,000GrandEarly Childhood DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Grand County Rural Health Network$21,500Grandsubstance abuse intervention/treatmentHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Grand County Rural Health Network$21,500Grandsubstance abuse intervention/treatmentHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Grand Valley Catholic Outreach$36,500MesaBasic Needs - SafetyBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Grand Valley Catholic Outreach$36,500MesaSafetyBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Grand Valley Resettlement Program$10,000MesaBasic Needs - MultiSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Great Expectations$5,000GarfieldEarly Childhood DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Great Expectations$25,000GarfieldSafety - parent ed & child abuse preventionWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Great Expectations$5,000GarfieldHealthcare - behavioralSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Gunnison Country Food Pantry$17,000GunnisonMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Gunnison Country Food Pantry$17,000GunnisonMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Gunnison County Community Health Coalition$10,000Gunnisoncoalition/alliance - behavioral healthSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Gunnison County Community Health Coalition$10,000Gunnisoncoalition/alliance - behavioral healthSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Gunnison Valley Health Foundation$25,500Gunnisonphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Gunnison Valley Health Foundation$45,000GunnisonMental and physical health care servicesWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Gunnison Valley Health Foundation$45,000GunnisonMental health therapyWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Gunnison Valley Health Foundation$25,500Gunnisonphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Gunnison Valley Mentors$5,000GunnisonPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Harmony Acres Equestrian Center$17,000Mesaanimal assisted behavioral health therapiesHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Harmony Acres Equestrian Center$9,000MesaEquine-Assisted mental health counselingWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Harmony Acres Equestrian Center$17,000Mesaanimal assisted behavioral health therapiesHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Haven House$21,500MontroseFoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Haven House$21,500MontroseFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
HeadQuarters$15,500Pitkinmental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
HeadQuarters$15,500Pitkinmental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Hilltop Community Resources, Inc$36,500MesaHousingBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Hilltop Community Resources, Inc$36,500MesaHousingBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Hispanic Affairs Project $27,000MontroseBasic Needs - MultiStrategic Initiative - general operating2023
Hispanic Affairs Project 27,000 MontroseBasic Needs - Multi-needStrategic Initiative - general operating2024
Homeward Bound of the Grand Valley Inc.$13,000MesaBasic Needs - MultiBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Homeward Bound of the Grand Valley Inc.$13,000MesaMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
HopeWest$25,000Mesaphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
HopeWest$20,000MesaBehavioral and physical health care servicesWorkforce Development - restricted2024
HopeWest$25,000Mesaphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Horizons$10,500Routtphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Horizons$10,500Routtphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
In the Weeds$10,000La Platapeer support groupsSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Indigenous Wellbriety Program$10,000Montezumapeer support groupsSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Integrated Community$32,500RouttBasic Needs - Multi-needStrategic Initiative - general operating2023
Integrated Community 32,500 RouttBasic Needs - Multi-needStrategic Initiative - general operating2024
Karis, Inc$23,000MesaHousingBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Karis, Inc$23,000MesaHousingBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Kids Aid Montrose$2,000MontroseBasic Needs - food Simple Gifts - general operating2024
La Clinica del Pueblo$10,000GarfieldPhysical healthSimple Gifts - general operating2023
La Plata Family Centers Coalition$31,000La PlataBasic Needs - MultiStrategic Initiative - general operating2023
La Plata Family Centers Coalition 31,000 La PlataBasic Needs - Multi-needStrategic Initiative - general operating2024
La Plata Youth Services$21,500La Platamental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
La Plata Youth Services$21,500La Platamental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
La Plaza$10,500MesaHousingBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
La Plaza$10,500MesaHousingBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Lake City Area Medical Center$16,000Hinsdalephysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Lake City Area Medical Center$20,000HinsdalePhysical health care servicesWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Lake City Area Medical Center$16,000Hinsdalephysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Lideres Latinx$5,000Lakelanguage justice/inclusionSimple Gifts - general operating2024
LIFT-UP$15,000GarfieldBasic Needs - FoodSimple Gifts - general operating2023
LIFT-UP$13,000GarfieldBasic Needs - food Simple Gifts - general operating2024
LiftUp of Routt County$33,000RouttFoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
LiftUp of Routt County$33,000RouttFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Little Bird Creative Community$3,000Eaglecommunity gardenSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Local First Foundation$10,500La Plataphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Local First Foundation$10,500La Plataphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Lone Cone Library$5,000San MiguelSocial/Emotional Supports - generalSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Loving Beyond Understanding$10,000MesaPeer Group SupportSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Loving Beyond Understanding$10,000Mesapeer support groupsSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Loving Beyond Understanding$20,000MesaMental health counseling - LGBTQ+ communityWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Manna$31,500La PlataFoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Manna$31,500La PlataFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
MarillacHealth$25,000Mesamental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
MarillacHealth$27,000MesaPhysical health care servicesWorkforce Development - restricted2023
MarillacHealth$25,000Mesamental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Meals on Wheels Mesa County$11,500MesaFoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Meals on Wheels Mesa County$11,500MesaFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Medicine Horse Center$26,500Montezumaanimal assisted behavioral health therapiesHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Medicine Horse Center$26,500Montezumaanimal assisted behavioral health therapiesHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Memorial Regional Health Foundation$15,000Moffatmental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Memorial Regional Health Foundation$30,000MoffatBehavioral and physical health care servicesWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Mesa County Partners$10,000MesaPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Mesa County Partners$8,000Mesapositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Mesa County Public Health$10,000MesaLanguage JusticeSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Mesa County Public Health$5,000Mesalanguage justice/inclusionSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Mexican American Development Association$5,000MontroseSocial/Emotional Supports - LatinxSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Mexican American Development Association$5,000MontroseBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Montelores Early Childhood Council$5,000MontezumaEarly Childhood DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Montezuma School to Farm Project$3,000Montezumacommunity gardenSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Montezuma Youth Alliance$5,000MontezumaPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Montrose Recreation District$10,000MontroseAdaptive recreationSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Mountain Dreamers$5,000SummitLegal AidSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Mountain Dreamers$5,000SummitBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Mountain Family Center$23,000GrandMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Mountain Family Center$23,000GrandMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Mountain Family Health Centers$25,000Garfieldphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Mountain Family Health Centers$25,000Garfieldphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Mountain Mentors$5,000SummitPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Mountain Mentors$5,000Summitpositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Mountain Pride$5,000EaglePeer Group SupportSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Mountain Roots Food Project$5,000GunnisonBasic Needs - food Simple Gifts - general operating2024
Mountain Roots Food Project $10,000GunnisonBasic Needs - FoodSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Mountain Valley Developmental Services$15,000Garfieldphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Mountain Valley Developmental Services$15,000Garfieldphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Mountain Youth$5,000Eaglepositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Mutual Aid Partners$5,000MesaBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
My Future Pathways$25,000EagleBehavioral and physical health care workforceWorkforce Development - restricted2024
NINA - Neighbors in Need Alliance $2,000La Platacoalition/alliance - basic needsSimple Gifts - general operating2024
North Fork Ambulance Auxiliary$5,000DeltaHealthcare - physicalSimple Gifts - general operating2024
North Fork Senior Connections$5,000DeltaSocial/Emotional Supports - seniorsSimple Gifts - general operating2023
North Fork Senior Connections$5,000Deltarespite care/in-home supportsSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Northside Health Center$15,500Montrosephysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Northside Health Center$15,500Montrosephysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Northwest CO Center for Independence$11,500Routtphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Northwest CO Center for Independence$11,500Routtphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Northwest Colorado Health$25,000Routtphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Northwest Colorado Health$25,000Routtphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Norwood Community Garden$2,000San MiguelCommunity GardenSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Oak Tree Youth Resources$8,000La PlataBasic Needs - Multi-needSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Oak Tree Youth Resources$10,000La PlataBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
One to One Mentoring$5,000San MiguelPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
One to One Mentoring$5,000San Miguelpositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Opera Steamboat$2,000RouttSocial/Emotional Supports - IDDSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Pagosa Community Initiative$5,000ArchuletaBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Partners for Youth$10,000RouttPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Partners for Youth$5,000Routtpositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray $5,000MontrosePositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Pathfinders$5,000PitkinBehavioral healthSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Peak Health Alliance$15,500Summitphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Peak Health Alliance$15,500Summitphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Peer 180 RCO$5,000MesaPeer Group SupportSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Peer 180 RCO$8,000Mesapeer support groupsSimple Gifts - general operating2024
PEER Kindness, Inc$8,000Montrosepositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Pine River Shares$10,500La PlataFoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Pine River Shares$10,500La PlataFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Project 1.27$10,500MesaMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Project 1.27$10,500MesaMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Project Hope of Gunnison Valley$11,000GunnisonSafetyBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Project Hope of Gunnison Valley$11,000GunnisonSafetyBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Project Protect Food Systems Workers$5,000DeltaBasic Needs - Multi-need Simple Gifts - general operating2023
Project Protect Food Systems Workers$5,000DeltaBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Pueblo Community College - Southwest$40,000MontezumaMental and physical health workforceWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Raices sin Fronteras $3,000San MiguelBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Rainbow Youth Center$21,000La Platasuicide preventionHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Rainbow Youth Center$21,000La Platasuicide preventionHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Reaching Everyone Preventing Suicide$15,500Routtsuicide preventionHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Reaching Everyone Preventing Suicide$15,500Routtsuicide preventionHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Reaching Out to Community and Kids$5,000DoloresPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Recovery Resources$29,000Pitkinsubstance abuse intervention/treatmentHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Recovery Resources$29,000Pitkinsubstance abuse intervention/treatmentHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Response$26,500PitkinSafetyBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Response$26,500PitkinSafetyBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Ridgway Community Garden$2,000OurayCommunity GardenSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Ridgway Community Garden$2,000Ouraycommunity gardenSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Rise Above Violence$17,000ArchuletaSafetyBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Rise Above Violence$17,000ArchuletaSafetyBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
River Bridge Regional Center$27,000GarfieldSafetyBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
River Bridge Regional Center$27,000GarfieldSafetyBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
River Valley Family Health Centers$25,000Montrosephysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
River Valley Family Health Centers$25,000Montrosephysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Riverside Education Center$10,000MesaPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Riverside Education Centers$8,000Mesapositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Roice-Hurst Humane Society$5,000MesaBasic Needs - HousingSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Roice-Hurst Humane Society$5,000MesaBasic Needs - housingSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Routt County Council on Aging$11,500RouttFoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Routt County Council on Aging$11,500RouttFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Safe and Abundant Nutrition Alliance (SANA)$10,500GarfieldFoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Safe and Abundant Nutrition Alliance (SANA)$10,500GarfieldFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
San Juan County Public Health Service$5,000San JuanBasic Needs - Multi-needSimple Gifts - general operating2023
San Juan County Public Health Service$5,000San JuanBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
San Miguel & Ouray Counties Juvenile Services$5,000San MiguelPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
San Miguel & Ouray Counties Juvenile Services$5,000San Miguelpositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
San Miguel Resource Center$17,000San MiguelSafetyBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
San Miguel Resource Center$17,000San MiguelSafetyBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
School Community Youth Collaborative$5,000Montezumapositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Second Wind Fund$16,000Mesasuicide preventionHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Second Wind Fund$10,000MesaBehavioral healthSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Second Wind Fund$16,000Mesasuicide preventionHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Six Points$13,000Gunnisonphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Six Points$13,000Gunnisonphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Small Champions$5,000EagleAdaptive recreationSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Smilemakers Dental Clinic$17,000Montezumaphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Smilemakers Dental Clinic$17,000Montezumaphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Smiling Goat Ranch$5,000GarfieldBehavioral - animal assisted therapiesSimple Gifts - general operating2023
SOS Outreach$5,000EaglePositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
SOS Outreach$5,000Eaglepositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Southwest Center for Independence$21,500La PlataTransportation Basic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Southwest Center for Independence$21,500La PlataTransportation Basic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Southwest Health System$15,000MontezumaPhysical health care servicesWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Southwestern Colorado Area Health Education Center$16,000La Plataphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Southwestern Colorado Area Health Education Center$16,000La Plataphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Southwestern Colorado Area Health Education Center (SWCAHEC)$40,000La PlataPhysical health care servicesWorkforce Development - restricted2023
SpeakUp ReachOut$8,000Eaglepositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
St. George Episcopal Mission$11,000LakeFoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
St. George Episcopal Mission$11,000LakeFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
St. Vincent Health$10,000Physical and behavioral healthSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Steamboat Springs School District$10,000RouttBasic Needs - Multi-needSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Steamboat Springs School District$5,000RouttBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Steamboat STARS$5,000RouttAdaptive recreationSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Steamboat STARS$5,000RouttHealthcare - physical: disability servicesSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Stepping Stones of the Roaring Fork Valley$5,000GarfieldPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Stepping Stones of the Roaring Fork Valley$8,000Garfieldpositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
STRiVE$15,000Mesaphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
STRiVE$15,000Mesaphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Summit Advocates$17,000SummitSafetyBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Summit Advocates$17,000SummitSafetyBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Summit Community Care Clinic$25,000Summitmental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Summit Community Care Clinic$40,000SummitMental and physical health care servicesWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Summit Community Care Clinic$35,000SummitBehavioral and physical health care servicesWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Summit Community Care Clinic$25,000Summitmental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
SummitWest Care$23,000Mesaphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
SummitWest Care$23,000Mesaphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Telluride Foundation$11,000San MiguelFoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Telluride Foundation$11,000San MiguelFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Telluride Regional Medical Center$13,000San Miguelmental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Telluride Regional Medical Center$13,000San Miguelmental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
The Bridge Emergency Shelter$11,500MontezumaHousingBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
The Bridge Emergency Shelter$11,500MontezumaHousingBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
The Community Treehouse$5,000La PlataSocial/Emotional Supports - parentsSimple Gifts - general operating2023
The Community Treehouse$5,000La PlataHealthcare - behavioralSimple Gifts - general operating2024
The Cycle Effect$5,000EaglePositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
The Cycle Effect$5,000Eaglepositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
The Dolphin House$21,000MontroseSafetyBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
The Dolphin House$21,000MontroseSafetyBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
The Grief Center of Southwest Colorado$20,500La Platamental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
The Grief Center of Southwest Colorado$35,000La PlataMental health/counseling servicesWorkforce Development - restricted2023
The Grief Center of Southwest Colorado$35,000La PlataMental health therapyWorkforce Development - restricted2024
The Grief Center of Southwest Colorado$20,500La Platamental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
The Health Partnership$16,000RouttMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
The Health Partnership$16,000RouttMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
The Joseph Center$11,000MesaMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
The Joseph Center$11,000MesaMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
The Nature Connection$5,000DeltaPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Timberline Adult Day Services$5,000SummitRespite CareSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Timberline Adult Day Services$5,000Summitrespite care/in-home supportsSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Toilet Equity$2,000MesaBasic Needs - HygieneSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Toilet Equity$5,000MesaBasic Needs - hygieneSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Town of Carbondale$5,000GarfieldBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Tri-County Health Network$12,100DeltaPhysical HealthStrategic Initiative - general operating2023
Tri-County Health Network or TCHNetwork$25,000San Miguelsuicide preventionHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Tri-County Health Network or TCHNetwork$25,000San Miguelsuicide preventionHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Trio Therapy Partners$15,500Eagleanimal assisted behavioral health therapiesHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Trio Therapy Partners$15,500Eagleanimal assisted behavioral health therapiesHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
True North$5,000RouttPhysical - disability servicesSimple Gifts - general operating2023
True North Youth Program$5,000San MiguelPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
University of Denver$25,000GarfieldSocial Work workforceWorkforce Development - restricted2023
University of Denver$25,000GarfieldSocial Work workforceWorkforce Development - restricted2024
UpRoot Colorado$11,000EagleFoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
UpRoot Colorado$11,000EagleFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
UVLA$5,000MontroseLegal AidSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Vail Valley Charitable Fund - Eagle County Smiles$10,500Eaglephysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Valley Settlement$29,500GarfieldBasic Needs - Multi-needStrategic Initiative - general operating2023
Valley Settlement 29,300 GarfieldBasic Needs - Multi-needStrategic Initiative - general operating2024
Vision Health International$16,000Mesaphysical healthHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Vision Health International$16,000Mesaphysical healthHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Voces Unidas$8,000GarfieldAdvocacy and LeadershipSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Voces Unidas$5,000Garfieldlanguage justice/inclusionSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Volunteers of America - Southwest Colorado Division$23,000La PlataMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Volunteers of America - Southwest Colorado Division$23,000La PlataMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Voyager Youth Program$5,000OurayPositive Youth DevelopmentSimple Gifts - general operating2023
Voyager Youth Program$5,000Ouraypositive youth developmentSimple Gifts - general operating2024
West End Family Link Center$16,500MontroseMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
West End Family Link Center$16,500MontroseMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
West Mountain Regional Health Alliance$5,000GarfieldCommunity Coalition - housingSimple Gifts - general operating2023
West Mountain Regional Health Alliance$4,000Garfieldcoalition/alliance - basic needsSimple Gifts - general operating2024
Western Colorado Area Health Education Center$30,000MesaPhysical health care workforceWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Western Colorado Health Network$17,500MesaMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Western Colorado Health Network$25,000MesaMulti-need/mental health for people living with HIVWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Western Colorado Health Network$25,000MesaMulti-need - Mental health counseling - people living with HIVWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Western Colorado Health Network$17,500MesaMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Western Colorado University$15,000GunnisonBehavioral and physical health care workforceWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Western Slope Food Bank of the Rockies$17,500MesaFoodBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Western Slope Food Bank of the Rockies$17,500MesaFoodBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Western Slope Native American Resource Center$16,500MesaMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Western Slope Native American Resource Center$16,500MesaMulti-NeedBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Windwalkers Equine Assisted Therapy Center$11,500Garfieldanimal assisted behavioral health therapiesHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Windwalkers Equine Assisted Therapy Center$11,500Garfieldanimal assisted behavioral health therapiesHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Yampa Valley Autism$30,000RouttApplied Behavior Analysis therapy - youth living with Autism/other disordersWorkforce Development - restricted2024
Yampa Valley Autism Program$16,000Routtmental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Yampa Valley Autism Program$16,000Routtmental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Yampa Valley Housing Authority$21,000RouttHousingBasic Needs Yr 2 Renewal - general operating2023
Yampa Valley Housing Authority$21,000RouttHousingBasic Needs Yr 3 Renewal - general operating2024
Your Hope Center$38,000Eaglecrisis responseHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
Your Hope Center$40,000EagleCrisis ResponseWorkforce Development - restricted2023
Your Hope Center$38,000Eaglecrisis responseHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024
Youth Closet & Toy Chest$5,000EagleBasic Needs - multiSimple Gifts - general operating2024
YouthZone$36,500Garfieldmental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Fund - General Operating2023
YouthZone$28,000GarfieldMental health counselingWorkforce Development - restricted2023
YouthZone$18,000GarfieldMental health counselingWorkforce Development - restricted2024
YouthZone$36,500Garfieldmental health counseling/therapyHealthcare Yr 2 renewal - General Operating2024

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